The threshold issue in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores is whether any plaintiff’s free exercise of religion is substantially burdened within the meaning of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Obama’s War on the First Amendment
Hobby Lobby has courageously stood up for its religious principles against this requirement despite the threat of fines of $1.3 million daily for not complying with this Obamacare mandate.
Hobby Lobby Files Supreme-Court Brief Challenging DOJ Arguments
The Green family’s lawyers argue that the owners of the craft store chain “exercise their faith through Hobby Lobby, and those beliefs are entitled to protection.”
STRANGE: Defending Faith from Federal Bullies
As Attorney General of Alabama, I am proud to see our state, along with 20 other states, stand shoulder to shoulder with the Becket Fund in opposing the Department of Health and Human Services mandate.
Jindal Warns of ‘Silent War’ on Religion in Reagan Library Speech
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal blasted the “silent war” that he said is undermining the nation’s basic principles in a major speech Thursday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
The Green Family, the HHS Mandate, and Religious Freedom
Today the Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby, will submit its brief in the Supreme Court case Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The case will determine whether the Green family will be forced to choose between four bad options: violating their faith and providing drugs and services to their employees in their healthcare plan, to which they morally object; pay massive fines of up to $100 per day per employee for non-compliance; drop healthcare coverage for their employees and their families altogether; or close their doors and go out of business.
Hobby Lobby Supreme Court Brief Counters Government “Divide and Conquer” Attempt to Violate Business Owners’ Religious Rights
Hobby Lobby asked the U.S. Supreme Court today to protect them from being forced to violate their deeply held religious beliefs or be forced to pay severe fines.
Obama’s Blind Spot on Religious Liberty
President Obama gave a lovely speech at the recent National Prayer Breakfast — and one is reluctant to criticize. But pry my jaw from the floorboards. Without a hint of irony, the president lamented eroding protections of religious liberty around the world.
Religious Liberty Should Trump HHS Mandate
The Green family, through the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, will file its brief with the Supreme Court Monday seeking relief from paying a daily fine of potentially more than $1.3 million for refusing to violate their Bible-based views on life.
56 Briefs Support Hobby Lobby In Supreme Court Case
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