The greatest misconception about the Green family and this case, Steve Green says, “is that we are trying to impose our religion on these workers or others. Not at all! That would violate our religion to do that.” Yet through that religion, he said, they can face any court ruling with peace of mind.
Are Firms Entitled to Religious Protections?
Hobby Lobby’s founder objects to the health law, but the government says for-profit companies aren’t entitled to religious-freedom protections.
Religious Exemptions Are Vital for Religious Liberty
In one of the most religiously diverse nations on earth, religious exemptions protect people in situations where legislative or executive acts might otherwise unnecessarily force them to violate their consciences.
Restricting Religion Will Not Unite Us
We may long for the day when people become more accepting of one another, but achieving that end by forcing people to violate their own conscience tears at the already frayed cords that bind us together as a nation.
Affordable Care Act – Or War on Conscience?
A month doesn’t pass without the administration issuing another exemption from a mandate previously held out as nonnegotiable… Why not exempt employers for issues of conscience?
Hobby Lobby Owners Deserve Their Religious Rights
If a corporation can have an “imputed racial identity” based on the race of its owners, it can have “imputed religious identity” based on the religion of its owners.
Government Can’t Have it Both Ways on Religious Freedom
The government cannot force families to abandon their faith just to earn a living.
Contraception Mandate Doublecross
The conscience clause that the Green and Hahn families rely upon is consistent with scores of federal and state laws dating back more than 40 years.
The Basic Right of a Free People
As a nation, we should insist that our laws should encourage and support, not penalize, citizens who seek to consistently adhere to their moral convictions.
Underlying Hobby Lobby
When individuals or groups are denied participation, or equal participation, in the political process, the laws are apt to become oppressive as to them. This poses a serious danger for religious liberty.